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>> Get a game camera and you will find your answer.
We were just talking about it. Seems I'm getting to old for an all day and nighter. Lol
I ate dinner last night (Chinese) and passed right out. Woke up near 11 to say sorry, good night. It took everything I had to unfurl myself from my chair and go to bed. Slept till 6:15 and woke up spinning furniture, cleaning nooks and crannies.
Dh said uh-o and went to work. He's probably sitting in some guitar store tinkering until he feels it's safe to come home. Lol
@beadweaver: I know it is hard due to all responsibilities. Game camera is cheap in Academy and worth the investment.
Just need to take my tired butt there to get it. No new holes. My friend said they were only here a month and poof. They've been doing stuff at the park and water treatment plant back there.
@beadweaver: The last thing you need is an infestation especially it is Norway rats but a game camera will determine it and you can buy poisons now.
We're pretty sure it's armadillo but still keeping an eye out.