Happyface : This is what I snipped off. Isn't it weird that there is a mixture of yellow (which I think is over watering, and crispy and droopy?
@Rolnwithmyhomie : If that's all you cut off, that's not a whole lot unless you have been snipping on it for awhile? The brown looks like too much direct light, burning or not enough water. I know you said morning sun but it could be hotter coming through that window. The 1 yellow leave could just be old. I agree with others here, but on top of repotting and fertilizer, I would see if I could find a spot with less direct light but for longer each day and I would back off the watering to once a week with a deep watering. Is it under n A/C vent? If, so, that will also cause issues. It seems like this is more failure to thrive, am I right? When you got it, it had a ton of leaves and now you have had to trim and trim and not much new growth? That could have to do with lighting also.