We've got a nice yellow garden spider in the backyard. Hopefully it will eat the wasps and mosquitoes that very been flying around. 😬
@Nesracc : That's a female banana spider - they are so beautiful, grow so huge, make humongous webs and eat their mate when they are done with him!
We had one that the web went between 2 large trees and had lots of insects in it. I could see the mate off to the side, very small. I observed MY SPIDER (no one else's) every day until the mosquito spray truck came by early one morning - left my beautiful spider and her mate hanging dead.
Mosquito spray trucks are what's responsible for the loss of so many insects - good as well as the bad insects. Lightening bugs, spiders (I know - spiders are not insects), honey bees, dragon flies, butterflies, you name it. But, for some reason it doesn't touch roaches or mosquitoes. Those populations just keep growing.
aggie-horticulture.t amu.edu/galveston/be neficials/beneficial -49_banana_spid 4951