Ruger5 : This may sound crazy, but could the person you bought the desk from have been in on it? Did you tell them you would go to the bank to get money?
@CC1974 : Or the lady who claimed "the black man with the beard" did it was in on it. My hunch is this:
Someone watched from the parking lot, saw her and the "black man with the beard" walk out together, followed her to the next spot and took the money........the accomplice lady then made sure to blame it on the "black man with the beard" to throw off
@ruger5. I would be shocked if this lady is ever found. Even if she is, it is her word against the word of "the black man with the beard". All he has to say is he didn't do it. Without footage from a Ring and with a good defense attorney, it will likely be dismissed. Too much circumstantial evidence here.