Chiza : It is so easy to groan and moan about our struggles but when we go sit outside with those creatures (kids, dogs and cats) we really know that God has us just where we are supposed to be. Your yard looks so inviting, I'm going to have to go work on my back yard right after I love on Luna. Oso goes to the office. You should see him just go to the car and wait for me to put him in and buckle him. My son then gets in the car. Oso does not want him to put him in. Mama does it better with a goodbye kiss!
It really is
@ladybeachbum....this time last year we were moving into a hotel because my home needed significant repairs...I was so caught up in all the bad things happening, I thought we'd never make it through...we spent 6 months in the hotel fighting with insurance to get things done the right way....when it was safe, we moved home. Now flash forward a year...all that is in the past and it just feels like another bump in the road. My kids do tell me though, every single time we pass the hotel, that they are going to live there when they are adults...🤔🤣🤪