Ruger5 : This has all happened before. Remember the term "White Flight" from the 70s and early 80s? It refers to a time when the inner cities became so crime infested that whites moved out of the cities to the burbs. It then took hard work from the late 80s through the mid 90s to clean it up. Whites started moving back into the urban areas. This time around the crime is not contained to the inner city and is spread all over the metro areas. This coupled with the miserable summers, high property taxes, high water and electric bills, and a changing demographic in KW is going to force us to relocate somewhere more mellow for our retirement years.
@Airborne319 : Spot on. We all know why we're seeing what we're seeing. And we know who's to blame. We decided to stay in KW but found a house off the beaten path way in back near East End Park on a quiet cul-de-sac with few houses. Over a mile from KW DR. - no traffic noises, decent share of police presence, plenty of street lights, each home well lit with landscape lighting…..and motion cameras galore. So, I do feel safe - but where we moved from - the front of KW - so crime ridden. So many shootings. Seriously sad.