Regarding the flood concerns - the architects have stated they are aware of the flood and transportation issues in the area and they are working with their client and engineers to work out solutions. They also mentioned the area would have to be raised up significantly and first few floors would have to be flood proof. They have a facebook business page if any of you would like to ask any questions. I understand it is a difficult project to undertake but let people innovate and invest as they see fit. You have to think about the our area - 20/30 years into the future to realize any significant improvements and advancements into reality. If we don't then we won't be able to keep up with progress being made in other parts of the city.
@harrisiqbal :
There is the mistake right there. It isn't a competition to get a more dense population o r more concrete and stripmalls. In some cases, less really is more, more desirable, more comfortable and more managable. 4951