@peppermintstick : I'm not really sure( the thermometer broke) but it's way cooler than our pool in KW ever got during Aug. Because of the low humidity the water evaporates quicker - and that keeps the pool cooler. So when we get in it feels perfect- so guessing it's about 92-94. AND when you get out you dry in minutes because there's no humidity- it actually is chilly .
I know humidity makes a difference but I didn't really truly understand how much until we moved here. I can keep the AC turned up to 79-80 and it feels nice- the humidity runs about 35% in the house. In KW out house was a sauna above 75 and the humidity ran about 60%- the dehumidifier could get two rooms down to 50% but that was it. So strange. Of course I have to use moisturizers and lip balm more 🤣