FreebyrdII : FreebyrdII : Please don't be sad because we lost this precious little one yesterday morning. His first 2 years at the hands of some horrible people and after he bit me a month later it became obvious he was aggressive just terrified that something was about to be done to him mainly clean his ears. His previous ______(insert word you'd use after finding out your 2 years old boy was never taken to the vet and treat these frequent infection. He was 70% deaf, had terrible arthritis in his hip from being struck, didn't know how to play, and just didn't trust anyone. 2 vets told me to put him down and I told them that they needed to be put down and I would help. Loooong story short we wanted him to feel the unconditional love he knew how to give but did not know how it felt to receive it back. However he just needed a chance and we needed him tremendously so we worked with him. The result was so worth it because he wanted us and understood just as we did him. He was one month shy of his 15th birthday. He also had Cushing's disease which normally is fatal after 2 years and he lived 3 with a good quality of life. R.I.P Jack Jack. Thank you for loving and trusting us
@Jefferinmax : Oh my goodness. You're an angel for giving Jack Jack the best years of his life. So sorry for your loss.