Montgomery County Animal Shelter in Dire Need of Fosters for Over 120 Puppies
Montgomery County Animal Shelter has an urgent need for foster families to take some puppies for a short time.
They have all ages, so the time you would need to keep them would vary. They have 5 nursing mothers with litters, some small puppies who don't have a mom, and many, many who are weaned, but not big enough for their spay/neuter surgery. Even if you could do 2-3 weeks that would be a huge help. Puppies with immature immune systems and no vaccine history will NOT survive in the shelter environment. Another box of puppies was left on at their front door over night. They do not have any more room. They have over 400 adult dogs in the shelter as well with kennel space to comfortably house half of that.
Want to adopt? NOW is the time. Come visit the shelter 11:30 to 5:00 Tuesday to Sunday (closed Monday)
Able to foster? Come visit the shelter and speak to staff or email our foster coordinator at
Can't foster or adopt? Share this post and talk to your friends!