I have a new grand puppy. I love these little videos they send me. Her BF is finally arriving in HI today. My DD takes her baby to work everyday. Command doesnt seem to mind. She has constant visitors and is being spoiled by all the Coasties. They take her golfing too! Many are far from home and they enjoy so much a fuzzy pal to hang around with especially when they are on the bigger ships and cant commit to a pet. www.kingwood.com/vid eos/uploads/u2023_07 _20_2679_866776.mov
TownHubAdmin New Member
~ 1 year, 7 mos ago
Jul 20, '23 9:11am
I have a new grand puppy.
I love these little videos they send me. Her BF is finally arriving in HI today. My DD takes her baby to work everyday. Command doesnt seem to mind. She has constant visitors and is being spoiled by all the Coasties. They take her golfing too! Many are far from home and they enjoy so much a fuzzy pal to hang around with especially when they are on the bigger ships and cant commit to a pet.
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