Discussion Summary:
This forum discussion is centered around catperson1 who is preparing to leave on a jet to their hometown, Salt Lake City. Mutton, Beaches, Rocklady2020, luannski, Ruger5, and cbear all wish catperson1 safe travels and offer encouragement for the trip. catperson1 is excited to see their 6 year old and 3 year old nieces, who they will both babysit and be babysat by. They are also looking forward to a dance battle rematch with the 6 year old. They have packed a lot of stuff for the girls, which may get them in trouble with their brother. FloydRTurbo then shares a YouTube video. cbear asks how long the flight is.
Hopefully flying is uneventful nowadays. I haven't flown since 2019 and heard all these strange stories about masks & people being duct taped to seats and even a grizzly bear having to put a mask on hahaha
@kyleven : I flew to charlotte and back already this week and only saw about a dozen masks. Back to the normal old naked faces.