Ruger5 : What is this "merchant fee" that you speak of?
@cbear : The credit fee cc companies tack on to businesses -in one part, it's how they make their money. The other part is interest fees they tack on to we card holders. I never pay interest because I live with Dave Ramsey's brother (I kid) but in fact we make a tidy sum off cc rewards points, which this merchant fee interferes with. It offsets my rewards stockpile so actually Im getting screwed two ways. Me no likey. It's not right. There's a reason they call it a merchant fee. Do merchants help customers pay any of the interest credit card companies charge them for using card at their business? No of course they don't. So why should they think we would be OK with helping them pay their merchant fees? It's taking advantage.
If the merchant hasn't baked that fee into the cost of doing business they shouldn't be in business.