I was just in Porter Walmart yesterday and they had one checker. Of course the line was 4 customers deep so I reluctantly went to the self checkout even though I had 20+ items.
Proceeded to checkout. Of course there's a bad scan that freezes things ans requires me to flag down the employee who was annoyed that she had to help the machine clear it's own error.
Bag it all up and as I am walking out the retiree doing receipt checks on the way out asks for my receipt. I tell him "No" and keep walking.
He insists and I stopped and told him "If your store wants me to check myself out then they can take the chance I'll be stealing something." He told me to have a nice day.
I think that's maybe the part I detest the most, at Walmart at least. Expecting me to work for them but then also treating me like a criminal. You can't have it both ways.
Think I might be stealing something? Put some checkers in place.
Don't want to pay checkers? Assume the risk of additional shoplifting.