@Fluffycakes : Technically, even though we are paid throughout the whole year we are not paid for the breaks. You and I are both Paras and we are paid for the number of days we work. For me we work 187 days and are paid for 187 days. They take my daily rate which is $108 a day times 187 days and come up with a yearly amount of about $20,000. Then that $20,000 is spread out evenly over 24 pay periods. So yes, we are getting paid year-round but we are actually not getting paid for summer break and Christmas break and all of the days we do not work. Theoretically, if a sub worked all 187 days at $140 a day they would make over $26,000 a year. Plus they would also get a $500 bonus for working over 100 days. That is way more than we make as full-time employees.