ctl74 : No way of knowing how she got there or where she spent last night. She may have walked or somebody may have let her off. We really don't know much about her circumstances. We do know that it was wet and cold out yesterday and she was desperate enough to stand out in the weather so that says something. Most of us were inside, warm and dry. We just don't know the full situation there.
@Hecate : Or she could have used the rain as a prop. Pretty clever. I applaud your giving heart. I prefer ppl drink responsibly, drive responsibly, give responsibly. Giving in this manner enables, promotes unsafe, undesired habits. And now, more and more of these adults are enslaving children to the cause. An absolute form of child neglect, endangerment. There are dozens of organizations that safely house, feed, clothe the poor. Pass out local charities addresses and numbers in lieu of cash.
While it's true we don't know their stories……I think it's safe to say that more than a few are scammers, drug addicts, alcoholics mixed in with poor folks looking for a buck but regardless, street begging for any reason should be discouraged. There's nothing safe or desirable about any of it. The expose' about street begging I read in this thread reenforces my thoughts on this. ðŸ‘