My honey is from Jersey. He's only been here 2 1/2 years...I'm still having to "train" him on how to behave. Lmao! I'm forever saying "baby, you can't say that."
@StillCynthia#1: Haha, exactly! My MIL just moved down from VT (but she is from NY) and I feel like I am always covering for her. He is not the warmest person and doesn't really like to chat with people. It's kind of awkward because I am super friendly. She is getting a little better, but still not TX standards. I find myself staring at my husband wide-eyed sometimes too. The funniest was his face two years ago when we joined a softball league and they did a short prayer at the end of the game. I thought his eyes were going to pop out of his head. Or my MIL when they did a prayer at the Rodeo. Literally looked like her head was going to explode. Not that they aren't religious or disagree with it, just so conditioned against any mention of God outside a church. Its just a little shocking for them that everyone can agree on one thing like that and you don't need to mention 50 different Gods or religions so as to not offend anyone's sensitive butts. My dad grew up in Houston and we used to come visit our grandparents in San Antonio every summer, so I know the "culture" better than he. I always knew when I was a kid that I wanted to live in TX one day. Heheheh it still makes me giggle to see them so unaccustomed to it!