Jen4747 : They wont need it because most of the golf course is on black cat ridge which is the highest point in kingwood. BUT, everyone who lives in the streets below who have never flooded before (but came close) should probably get insurance. I think by building on top of this hill it will be at the detriment of the existing residents not the new ones. Much of St Andrews which is right along one side of the course comes close to flooding houses everytime there is a heavy rain. All of the water that normally get soaked up by the empty golf course will probably soon be rolling out through those houses. Similar to the Perry Homes Fiasco in ElmGrove.
@ZMAN : when the COH put that huge culvert from FC into the flood canal ditch a few years back, why didn't they widen and deepen the drainage ditch that runs behind the homes on the Northside of St Andrews. That ditch feeds into the culvert.