Brat : "Star" was bred by me and is the product of many generations of responsible breeding to the chihuahua breed standards. I am a Breeder of Merit with the AKC which means I have bred many many AKC champions and promoted responsible dog breeding and the chihuahua breed...also member of the Chihuahua Club of America. I also do Rescue not just chihuahuas...AKC breeders were the first rescues and AKC registrations contribute to the many programs that benefit dogs...also disaster relief, .ect.
@doddlebug :
I bought my daughter after Ike because I wanted a purebred Chihuahua. I could've sent the papers to AKC, but I didn't.
I love her to death, but after working at a kennel and seeing the endless love from rescues and fosters. I just can't fathom the idea of buying another dog. I think it's stupid.
Adoptions are soich more valuable. 4951