That is a pretty big screwup on the management team's part. While it sounds like he is in his last moments, someone got a little ahead of themselves. Hospice will make certain his passing is with peace and comfort. They do angels work.
Apparently, Tony Dow (Wally Cleaver) is still alive
@donnatella : How sad for his wife to be going through the impending loss of her husband and then to have to deal with this mistake......bless her heart.
NeenaC0629 6App
~ 2 years, 6 mos ago
Jul 27, '22 12:26pm
One website reported Mrs Dow made the remark to a close friend, "He's gone." Apparently that friend shared that remark and it dominoed. I know exactly what Mrs Dow meant. I've been there. My heart goes out to her and family & friends. It's the most heartbreaking and devestating feeling of hopelessness and loss… even though your loved one is still breathing
In hospice with cancer it was just a matter of time. One hopes he passed quickly and without any undue distress. Thanks for the memories big bro to the Beaver.