It's NOT Clean, Unless It's Mammoth Clean!
Mammoth Cleaning is a local company - family owned and operated. When it comes to professional cleaning of your home, you can trust us to get the job done right, not just the first time, but every time! We will lend a helping hand to whatever your needs are! Call us today for a free quote!
Residential & Commercial Services
With more than 20 years of Houston cleaning and maid services to back us, we can handle any size project to your utmost satisfaction!
Residential Service
- Reliable
- Professional
- Affordable
- Customization
- Focus on safety of your property
| Commercial Service
- Relocation
- Post Construction
- Event Cleanup
- Apartment Cleanup
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Why Choose Mammoth?
Mammoth Cleaning is founded on the highest standards in the cleaning industry today.
Mammoth Cleaning puts the focus back on exceptional service. Our team goes through pre-employment screening, including employee eligibility verification, background checks and drug tests. Our teams wear clean, professional style uniforms. Read Our Google Reviews Here
We also offer Specialized Cleaning Services
Move In/Out * Post Construction * Event Cleanup
Do you have a cleaning project we can help with?
Call for a Free Quote!
Serving Kingwood, Humble, Atascocita, Summerwood, Fall Creek,
Porter and New Caney