Residential Painting Experts
(713) 377-3486 |
Reyes Painting has a solid reputation with specialized knowledge in painting services. We are considered experts in the field - doing business since 2006. Our goal is to deliver professional and efficient paint service to our clients.
Our Mission | Reyes Painting is a family owned business. We are dedicated to providing quality workmanship with every job. We understand the importance to detail and strive to ensure that each client is satisfied with the finished product. |
Our View | Our view is to provide the highest quality of craftsmanship to our clients paired with unparalleled customer service, reliability and integrity. |
Our Values | Our clients are important to us. At Reyes Painting, we believe that honesty, dedication and always doing our best is what sets us apart from other companies. |
Our Services
Residential Exterior Painting
| |
Residential Interior Painting | |
Drywall Repair
• Move and Cover Furniture • Remove small furnishings like coffee tables from a room before painting, but move larger items to the center and cover them with a sheet to protect them.
• Remove Electronics and Appliances • Remove or cover electronics and appliances to protect them from paint damage. If you can't cover them, the painter will likely bring drop cloths, but it's best to move everything to another room.
• Remove Wall Hangings and Ornaments • Remove all wall hangings and decorations before painting, and store them safely in marked boxes. It's best to relocate them to another room to avoid paint damage.
• Remove or Protect Soft Furnishings • Remove soft furnishings like rugs, curtains, and blinds before painting, and store them safely. Clearing the room also makes it easier to clean and prepare the walls for painting.
• Clear Away Knick-Knacks • Remove small knick-knacks and mementos before painting to prevent damage. Store them safely and return them after the paint has dried.
• Prep and Clean Walls • Clean your walls before painting to remove dust and stains, ensuring a smooth finish. Use a broom or vacuum for dust, then wipe with detergent and water, allowing the walls to dry before painting.
Reyes Painting
Kingwood, Texas
713-377-3486 or 713-885-8736
Monday - Friday from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm Saturday: By appointment